
K.L. Kranes

Writing Reading Life


January 2017

It’s the Year of the Rooster! Books, Stories and Events to Celebrate the Lunar New Year

January 1st isn't the only time to ring in the New Year. Many cultures celebrate different New Years throughout the world. Saturday, January 28, marked the start of the Lunar New Year.

My Daughter, a Dog and a Library… The Unusual Way We Made a Gloomy Saturday Awesome

A few Saturday mornings ago I woke up to gray skies and misty rain. t was the kind of morning that makes you want to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over your head until the sun decides to come out.

The People United Can Make a Difference: The Power of Protest

Yesterday, thousands of people at JFK airport in New York City and Dulles airport outside Washington, DC, and other cities across the US went to the arrival terminals of international airports and said to the people coming into the US from other countries - We stand with you.

Who Was the Poet Emma Lazarus and Why is She More Important Than Ever?

Emma Lazarus. It's not a name you probably know. But, you know her words. You've heard them before, even if you've decided to forget them...

Friday Fiction Quiz – See If You Can Pass the Test: Real Quote or Dystopian Novel?

Are the below quotes fact or fiction? At least a few of them are from real people. Count the ones you think are actual quotes from people in power in government today. Keep track! Check out the answers after the picture at the end.

Young Poets Series: Lyrical Insight on What is Really Sacred #ThursdayThoughts

I am lucky to know some very talented people of all ages, many of them writers and poets. And, I'm lucky that they will share their work with me. Therefore, I've decided to start a poetry series as part of my blog. This is the first in the series. It's called called 12:10 AM by Emma Flood.

Wear Red for Ed(ucation): A Story of How One Book and One Teacher Changed My Life

My daughter and I dressed all in red today (and a little pink for me). Why? Because I’m devoted to supporting all the teachers out there by “wearing red for public ed(ucation).” In honor of this demonstration of support for the importance of public schools and their teachers, here’s a very personal story about how one public school teacher changed my life.

Pop Culture Pioneers: Witches that Paved the Way for Harry Potter #Top10Tuesday

I obviously have an interest in witches and magic. I've been exploring spiritual shops and tarot readings lately. I wrote a young adult fantasy novel where the protagonists are witches (The Travelers). All of this witch exploration got me thinking about witches in popular culture. Where did this love of all things witchy really take hold? How far back does it go? Before the spicy spell casting scarlet-haired Willow and even before nose-twitching Sabrina, who were the witches that paved the way for them?

“Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History”: 10 Books About Great Women Misbehaving

At the Woman's March this weekend in DC, I saw a poster with a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, "Well-behaved women seldom make history." I love this quote. I want to get it tattooed on my arm. In honor of those women and continuing the ideals embodied in the Women's March this weekend, here are 10 books about women "behaving badly" and making a difference doing it.

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