
K.L. Kranes

Writing Reading Life



Bring on the Drama! Book Suggestions for a Lively Book Club Discussion (and Other Book Club Goals)

The pressure is intense. There are so many options. There are so many people to please! How do you choose the perfect book for book club?

July Wrap-Up: Travel + Bookstores, What Could be Better?

The month started with a bang! Actually, many of them.

Feminist Lit, YA Awesomeness, SciFi Classics: My 10 Favorite Books I Read in 2017

2017 is almost over? Every year goes by faster and faster. This year, I've been lucky to be able to read a lot of great books!

My March Reading Wrap-up & Book Challenge Non-Progress (aka, How I’m Managing My Readers Guilt)

When you're an author working on your next book or books (in my case a sequel to The Travelers, a children's book relating to a unicorn, a ghost story, a spec fic/scifi book) and also a mom, wife, resistor, sometimes bookstagrammer and daily blogger with a relatively demanding day job as a medical editor, finding time to read can be hard.

Monday Blog – Trans-Relating: Suburban Moms Read “If I Was Your Girl” for Book Club

At our last meeting of the Nightlighters Book Club, I think the we had two firsts - unless I'm forgetting something. The first first was that we read a YA novel (i.e. young adult). The second, and probably more important first, was that we read book with a LGBTQAI main character. The book? If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo.

Why My Book Club is the Best and How Yours Can be Too

This week we had our monthly Nightlighter book club meeting to discuss the YA book, If I Was Your Girl, which lead to an enlightening literary and cultural discussion. Obviously as a writer/author (The Travelers), I think books are very important. It's not a stretch to say that I think book clubs are important. So let's talk about why I love my book club and why every person should be in one!

Breaking My Book “Type” – My Diverse Book Year

You often hear people say "That's not my type of thing" or "He wasn't my type" or "That's not a type of food I like." Whether you're talking about people, food or, yes, even books, everyone has a "type." Some people are romance types, some people are non-fiction types, some people are memoir types, science fiction, fantasy, young adult...there are many book types to choose from and many ways to pigeon hole yourself.

Traveling with The Travelers: San Francisco Edition Day 1 – A Bookish Trip

When I visited New York City in December, I took my book, The Travelers, along for some photo ops. No, the fact that people looked at me like a crazy person as I propped up a book in windows, subway stations and restaurants didn't discourage me from doing it again in a new location, this time San Francisco!

“Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History”: 10 Books About Great Women Misbehaving

At the Woman's March this weekend in DC, I saw a poster with a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, "Well-behaved women seldom make history." I love this quote. I want to get it tattooed on my arm. In honor of those women and continuing the ideals embodied in the Women's March this weekend, here are 10 books about women "behaving badly" and making a difference doing it.

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