
K.L. Kranes

Writing Reading Life



Scent of a Birthday: Celebrities + My Top 10 Favorite Things for Top 10 Tuesday (Hint: Yep, Books are Involved)

Yesterday, I realized I'm thisclose to sharing a birthday with Shakespeare. I missed it by 2 days, but it made me wonder who I do share this day with. Turns out, it's some pretty cool people who are also indirectly related to my 10 favorite things! It all comes together...

Friday Fun with Books and Flowers: My Top 5 Spring Bookstagrams

I really enjoy bookstagrams, like a lot. They're a combination of books and photography. Some of them are so beautiful they're like art captured by art. So, I'm bringing back the Friday 5 featuring my 5 favorite bookstagrams in the last week with a Spring theme!

Behind the Book Blog: Interview With the Lovely Lady of ‘Books, Vertigo and Tea’

To an author, especially one like me from a small press (The Travelers, Saguaro Books) without a huge marketing budget, book review bloggers are critical for success. They're also the gateway for readers to a world of undiscovered books. Book bloggers constantly reviews books, feature authors, write profiles on upcoming book events or materials. But, has anyone ever stopped to ask them - you write about everyone else, what about you? What motivates you to write about books? Well, I'm curious about book I asked one if I could interview her...

Friday Fun: Bookstagramming – A Story of Art and Mockery

Prior to taking the plunge into the world of being a published author, I was unfamiliar with many things - the publishing industry in general, book marketing, social media, etc. Now things are different. I've started to understand the social in the social media. It's also opened up my creative side, beyond writing, in that I've become a wee bit obsessed with bookstagrams.

Monday Blog: Old & New Obsessions Collide While POPping into a Bookstore this Weekend

As a child, I apparently had a bit of a doll problem. If a doll existed, I wanted it. As an adult, I got over my doll collecting obsession because you can't be an adult who buys and collects dolls, right? Therefore, instead, I transferred that obsessive nature to collecting other things, books obviously. (And, shhh, shoes too.)

Friday the 13th Inspiration

It's Friday the 13th! Let the movie marathon begin! For even more Friday Fun, if you like scary fun, here's Friday the 13th inspired bookstagram.

Goodbye Book-mas Tree, Hello Shelfie!

Yesterday I undertook the daunting task of taking down a book-mas tree (tree made entirely of books). Today, I've got some advice for anyone doing the same thing or just trying to organize your bookshelf...

2017 New Year Bookstagram Fun With The Travelers

The Travelers and I did not travel anywhere for New Year's Eve. We stayed in our lovely neighborhood in Northern Virginia and hung out with friends. But, that doesn't mean we didn't have fun. Check out these Travelers bookstagrams. I think maybe we had a little too much fun...

Wishlist Wednesday: Holiday Gift Guide for Book Lovers

Buying gifts can be stressful. If you're like me you fret about giving people the perfect gift. I like my gifts to be meaningful. Honestly, if someone makes a wishlist that's the best. But, not everyone does and if it's a wishlist available to multiple people, then you risk giving duplicate gifts. So how do you pick the best gift for someone?

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