
K.L. Kranes

Writing Reading Life



American Shakespeare Center: They Had Me at Gummy Bears

We do it with the lights on! What does that have to do with Shakespeare?

The Real Reason I Love a Good Renaissance Festival

There is very little "Renaissance" in a Renaissance Festival. A better description is Middle Ages meets Middle Earth with a lot more retail stores and a lot fewer boils and sores. That's not to say I don't love a good Renn Fest!

Independent Bookstore Day! Great Indie Bookstores & How to Celebrate

Today is Independent Bookstore Day! So today I'm updating my blog with my favorite indie bookstore in the world - Shakespeare & Company in Paris. Also, see other great indie bookstores in the US and how to celebrate with indie bookstores in your area!

For the Bard’s Birthday: The Best Shakespeare Conspiracy Theories

Yesterday, April 23, was Shakespeare's birthday. Well, maybe, no one is really sure. It's also supposed to be his death day. Given we know so little about The Bard, I thought it might be fun to create a quick list of some of the most outlandish theories proposed about Shakespeare the man.

My Favorite Romantic Books for Love Day

If you read my last blog, you are already aware that I am a Valentine's Day Scrooge. Instead, I prefer to celebrate the little known holiday of "Love Day." In honor of Love Day, here are some of my favorite books with an extra helping of cheesy romance.

Traveling with The Travelers: San Francisco Edition- Day 3 – Swing and Shakespeare

Day 3 of our visit to San Francisco, the last full day here. Like any good day, it all started with and ended with food, with a little dance and literature between.

Pop Culture Pioneers: Witches that Paved the Way for Harry Potter #Top10Tuesday

I obviously have an interest in witches and magic. I've been exploring spiritual shops and tarot readings lately. I wrote a young adult fantasy novel where the protagonists are witches (The Travelers). All of this witch exploration got me thinking about witches in popular culture. Where did this love of all things witchy really take hold? How far back does it go? Before the spicy spell casting scarlet-haired Willow and even before nose-twitching Sabrina, who were the witches that paved the way for them?

Journey in Metaphor: And the Eyes Have It

I’m sitting at the doctor's office today waiting for an eye exam. Around me posters with giant veiny bulbous diagrams remind me how complicated (and gross) things can be when you open them up and look inside. Labels on these off-putting eyeball say things like Zinn’s Zonule, which sounds like an artifact a hero might seek in a scifi space adventure, and Schlemm’s canal. I imagine this to be a narrow passage in a book about escaping from pirates. This graphic decor gets me thinking about eyes, though, and how they’re often used in literature. Eyes play a prominent part in my book, The Travelers.

Journey in Literature: Me + Shakespeare = A love story

Yep, I admit it. I'm a total book nerd. I love Shakespeare. It all started in 9th grade… My English teacher introduced us via Romeo and Juliet. At the time, I rolled my eyes and groaned, mistakenly thinking I’d be bored to death by long-winded prose and overly flowery language. But, even though my moody, everything-sucks, 14-year-old self wanted to hate it, I couldn’t. (Thanks Mrs. McDermott!)

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